Continuing to update your site will keep it bug free and less likely to have issues in the future, plus it will keep things running smoothly. WordPress and your Plugins constantly update the software for a reason. So this is just a loving courtesy reminder from me here, at Rockwell Art & Design.
Follow these steps to login to your site and keep your software, themes and plugins up-to-date.
• login to the Dashboard – your website’s URL + /wp-admin to the end of it (example :
• On the left hand side of the page, click on “Updates” – usually third down from top on the menu
• Make sure you update both the latest version of WordPress, and check the boxes to update all your Plugins too. It will tell you what you need to update and just follow the prompts and buttons on the “Update” page to do so. If you have plugins that need to be updated, it will read something like this : “Plugins – The following plugins have new versions available. Check the ones you want (all of them listed should be updated) to update and then click “Update Plugins”.
• Once it downloads the latest versions it will read something like ” Last checked on July 29, 2012 at 9:32 am. You have the latest version of WordPress.” and “The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient…Enabling Maintenance mode…Updating Plugin Jetpack by (1/1) Jetpack by updated successfully. Show Details. Disabling Maintenance mode…All updates have been completed.”
Just a reminder…
Your WordPress website can be a powerful tool for getting your brand our there in the digital world. You have a tool at your fingertips, via your website, to post new content online like: photos, posts, specials, etc. Adding new images and content on your site will aid in keep your clients interested, visiting you again, and again. Hopefully this connection will keep you fresh in their mind…and eventually creating more sales this way and generating customer loyalty.
YOU can do it yourself.
You don’t HAVE TO PAY SOMEONE else to do it. It’s your site!
However, if you find yourself not doing it, please let your website developer or marketing company know! I’d be glad to help you if you have questions about doing it or if you just prefer to keep it simple, let me do the updates for you at a reasonably low-cost, with no contract or long-term commitment to services.
I want to see your website be a successful tool. So let me help you! I hope business and life are going well, and hopefully your too busy to maintain your site and need my help, which is a good problem to have!
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