In addition to providing a variety of creative services, Raquel offers creative consulting for your business – right where you’re at.
Raquel’s experience with a variety of clients in a variety of industries, combined with her time in the field as an entrepreneur and creative, offers clients the invaluable resource of Consulting for Business Marketing.
Creative Consulting: helps businesses evaluate what they’ve done, where they’re at today, and what goals can be achieved through…
- Idea Generation/Creative Brainstorm Meetings
- Dream Building; Setting Goals
- Provide a SWOT Analysis
- Develop Marketing Plans
- Strategies for Communication
“Offering creative ideas and solutions, Raquel can work with you to take your business game to the next level. She’ll help you evaluate what you’ve already done with where you want to go. “
Creative Consulting was added to Rockwell’s tool-belt of services after being asked time and time again by clients what she thought. At a marketing meeting, now long-time client, Jeff said, “I want to know what’s going on up there!” Kind of like this dancing robot, she’s juggling countless ideas for people. It’s like a hidden talent.
Find out what ideas she’s got for your business…
Want to know what’s going on up there?
Image Cred: People meeting in a coffee shop Photo by Startup Stock Photos; Photo of people’s hands over table by fauxels from Pexels