It has developed from who I am and I hope to inspire others. We have to cease the moment and make the most of our opportunities and the gifts we are given. These character traits have to be developed and shaped, through personal growth, education, an open mind to being shaped like a potter shaping his clay.
[box]LIVE WELL. rock well. Eat Well, Be Well. Live simply and give generously. Get inspired and Inspire. LOVE one another. E N C O U R A G E. Visualize. DREAM. live to GIVE. respect others and respect your environment. Community. SHARE. recycle. RE-USE. strive to live sustainably. cooperate. B U Y L O C A L.[/box]Q & A
Let this be a forum for how you are developing these traits in your own life :
- How are you involved in the betterment of your community?
- What does it take for you to re-use and recycle in your area?
- What choices have you made to BUY LOCAL instead of more efficient options?
- What recipes work for you to eat more natural and healthier?
- What have you consumed or changed in your life to be a better you?
- What changes have you made in your life to live more simply?
- What inspires you?
- What have you done today to give?