Instead of thinking about posts to social media as daunting, or trying to find inspiration each week for what to post as content, think ahead with what’s relevant to your business and the season. Here’s some tips for more successful posts to your social media pages, whether it’s Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest.
Think ahead.
Think about what’s relevant to promote for your business and what relates to the season you’re in. Feature products that are new or seasonally appropriate, or show off a project you just completed. Post about in-shop specials and events, promote items you want to push out or are on sale, or promote about services you offer that might be seasonally appropriate.
If you know something is coming up, plan a seasonal photo shoot so that you have a stock-pile of new, quality photos representing you. This will allow you to have a stockpile of images on hand, that you can just refer to each time you go to do a post on social media. Having content and ideas ahead of time makes keeping you pages up-to date, and posts regularly a much easier task.
Look at your analytics.
Pages like Facebook and Twitter show you stats, so it’s easy to see the success for your past posts through people it’s reached, etc.
Pay attention to time of day.
I’ve noticed that people are logged onto their social accounts at lunchtime – the working class is on their lunch break, eating and killing time by scrolling through their news feeds at their desk, ipad, or mobile device.
People are pretty active on social media after the dinner hour.
So, look at what time of day you’re most liked/popular posts were done. Research and find when your audience is logged on. Then, only post to your pages during these times of day for maximum exposure!
Show your personality.
Stand out from others. Don’t be stale about your posts, put the personality of you and your business into your posts, showing what makes your business unique.
Go further with ads.
Try boosting your posts, and Ads to increase the reach and impact of your posts and marketing campaigns.
Compared to print advertising, spending $5, $20, or $40 to boost a post and reach hundreds-thousands of more people is huge! The dollars spent are actually translated in to real results. I have a client in Brighton that will boost a post for $20. His post will feature a brief description, a nice photo(s) and a link to his website. The days he boosts the post, he ends up getting 600-800 actual clicks and views to his website, referred from a social media account.
As a small business owner, being a small fish in a big pond, you just can’t beat advertising where you get to see real results and visibility like that!” ~Raquel